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I believe in healing but was having issues seeing it manifest so God brought me to Dominion Life Denver. While there and listening to Stan preach about healing, the Holy Spirit highlighted things that were stopping me from receiving. After the Holy Spirit dealt with that and listening to Stan I went up for healing. Got prayed for by Roberta and saw pain from scoliosis leave! In days to come I stopped going to chiropractor because I no longer had pain or tight muscles with headaches. It’s such a blessing to go to a place that teaches the word of God and will partner with you in what you’re believing for.
Rachel M
Twenty years ago, at my church’s summer youth camp, our youth pastor did an altar call for all who wanted to receive the gift of tongues. I prayed for the gift, but nothing happened. I sat and watched as everyone around me began to speak in tongues. I remember the envy I felt at the precious gifts they had received, not knowing I had received the same gift but was too scared to utilize it because, for the longest time, I was warned not to blaspheme against the Spirit. For years after, as I would worship or pray, I would have this immense desire to release these unknown words, but again, I stifled them because I was afraid I would be sinning against the Spirit. Twenty years this went on!! Finally, my sister introduced me to Pastor Roberta. She explained how the gift works and how the Spirit will speak; I needed only to open my mouth to allow Him. I realized then those immense urges, the ticking my tongue was doing, was the gift I had been suppressing the whole time. With Roberta’s help, I was able to break the barrier I had unknowingly put up. Since then, I have found myself speaking, praying, and singing in tongues and being blessed immensely!
I was referred to Roberta for healing through my sister after I was in a horrific car accident. I was in so much back and rib pain due to broken vertabrae and ribs and I was at the end of my rope but I connected with her and Stan over the phone and I was boldly reminded of all the things I already know about God's healing and my authority in Christ and after they prayed for me the pain in my back left completely and my ribs were so much better, wow! God is so good!
Jenni H.
After having chronic pain in my knees from tripping and falling down months earlier, my knees were healed in an instant in the the moment when Pastor Stan spoke healing to a young lady's knees 8 chairs away from me in the second aisle during a service at Dominion Life Denver Training Center. I’ve never received this type of proxy healing before and since then it hasn't been the last! Praise God and Thank you amazing and awesome Jesus!
Ross W.
I've been joining the Enforcing Your Healing zoom meetings on Tuesday nights at Dominion Life Denver Training Center with Pastors Stan and Roberta for about a year now, and my faith has grown and been encouraged so much! Stan and Roberta are two of the most welcoming, nurturing, diligent, edifying, resilient, ambitious, and organized leaders in the body of Christ! Their knack for making disciples and equipping the saints to grow up into the fullness of Christ is extraordinary! I'm very grateful for their leadership and support! On the Tuesday night meetings there have been numerous healings, words of knowledge given, and testimonies shared! The body of Christ certainly needs more folks like Stan and Roberta, and I'm so grateful for both of you.
Roberta helped me receive my prayer language and discipled me. Now, because of my faith in God, confession and mind renewal, when I command my head, shoulders, feet and knees they are all responding to my words and stop hurting and it's not a coincidence. This is new to me but it works and I'm so grateful and praising God!
Linda R.
As a boy, I was told the gift of tongues was dead in the church because of sin in humanity. It wasn’t until I met my fiancé’s family that I learned what I’d been told so many years ago was a lie. It took some time for me to push past the logic and the fear of sinning against the Spirit. During this time, I was going through many personal struggles. Struggles I was trying to battle on my own. Finally ready to surrender and let God take control, I asked my fiancé to sit with me as I prayed. Later, I told her I could hear her say “calm” whenever I felt overwhelmed by my emotions. She looked at me in surprise. She proceeded to tell me that she hadn’t been praying in English. She’d been praying in tongues the whole time. I couldn’t believe it. I had heard her clearly! This pushed me to fight through my logic and fear, and so I took my trepidations to God. What I thought was God saying, "wait," was me not wanting to accept the gift because I didn’t want it to affect others adversely. I spoke to Pastor Roberta, who reminded me that God would not tell me to wait for the gifts He promised us. Once again, I knew I needed to surrender to God and take the gift He freely gave me. As I began to speak in tongues, an overwhelming wave of emotion passed through me, and Roberta stopped me and told me that God wanted her to tell me that He had blessed my marriage. The Spirit cried out my heart’s desire for a blessed marriage, and God answered instantly! God is so good!
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